Friday, March 28, 2008

52 Books In 52 Weeks

Read 52 books in 52 weeks. This is my goal, and one I challenge each and every visitor to take on as well. It started as just a little mental checklist though, and I thought that bringing it to the Internet would accomplish a few things:

1. Archive my lists for future reference
2. Let friends and family (as well as anyone else on the world wide web) in on what I've been reading, good and bad
3. Hopefully inspire at least one other person to tackle the challenge as well
4. Provide yet another way for folks to waste time online

I've always loved to read and there are countless adventures and journeys out there just waiting for a pair of eyes. It may seem an impossible task, but I assure you it can be done. If you do care to attempt the 52 in 52 challenge please feel free to send me your book list and it will be showcased, just a list of titles numbered 1-52+ is fine.

(I will be posting all of the books I've read since January 1, 2008 up until now and then continuing the posts as I complete new ones throughout the year.)


1 comment:

Mommy Sasha said...

I love this idea, I am going to challenge myself as well. All I need is to figure out what 52 books.